
Deciduous and evergreen large shrubs or feature size trees, many with nicely scented flowers in spring and summer. We have a great modern selection from around the world, including many new yellows which flower slightly later than the pinks and whites, and can avoid the frosts.
Magnolias prefer full sun, cool roots and shelter from strong winds. Plant in enriched soil, deeply worked, free draining, moisture retentive neutral to slightly acidic. After planting, feed with a good ericaceous fertilizer and mulch well. Apply slow release fertilizer every spring whilst the plant is establishing.
Magnolias were amongst the first plants on Earth to reproduce using flowers pollinated by insects. They are native to America and Asia, but not Europe. The Magnolia was named by Linnaeus in commemoration of Pierre Magnol, who was Louis XIV's doctor and a professor of Botany. Magnolia grandiflora was introduced into Britain from America in 1734. The first Magnolias from China arrived around 1780, and proved much hardier than those from America.