Choice Plants

We stock a range of our favourite plants which associate well with Rhododendrons. Some of these are featured in our garden at Crosswater Farm, and often create plenty of interest and enquiries
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Edgeworthia chrysantha
Numerous lightly fragrant yellow daphne like flowers open from hairy buds in late winter and spring before the leaves appear. Cinnamon coloured bark on very flexible stems. Height 75-100cm in 10 years. Plant in sheltered position.
Nandina domestica 'Gulf Stream'
(H5) Compact, bushy, evergreen shrub. Bronze-orange new growth in the spring, turning green with age. During autumn and winter the leaves turn to shades of red and gold. Small white flowers on conical panicles in the summer, sometimes followed by red berries. Height and width 50-100cm in 10 years. Prefers full sun in a sheltered position with moist well drained soil (Acid, Alkaline, Neutral).
Pieris Flaming Silver AGM
(H5) Nodding panicles of white 'lily of the valley' flowers March to May. Pretty, small variegated plant with bright red new leaves, turning deep green with silvery white edges. Height 75-100cm in 10 years. This compact shrub looks wonderful in a shady shrub border with well-drained, acid soil or in a container in a patio or courtyard garden.
Calluna vulgaris 'Allegro'
(H7) Deep red flower in long spikes in summer and autumn. Dark green, scale-like foliage on a spreading evergreen shrub. Prefers full sun in ericaceous compost or well drained acidic soil. 45cm x 60cm in 5 years.
Water as necessary particularly in dry weather conditions. Trim to base of flower spike after flowering.
Calluna vulgaris 'Madonna'
(H7) Large white buds opening to white flowers in Autumn to late Winter on a evergreen shrub that has a spreading and erect habit. Prefers full sun or partial shead in ericaceous compost or well drained acidic soil. 30cm High x 50cm Wide in 5 years. Water as necessary, particularly in dry weather conditions. trim to base of flower spike after flowering.
Cornus florida Cherokee Brave
A free flowering dogwood with pink bracts, and pale pink or white centre. Each flower head has 4 conspicuous petal like bracts in May. Originating from North America, Cherokee Brave is choice clone which forms a small bushy tree or a large shrub, with rich autumn colours. Dogwoods always look good planted near water, and will grow on most garden soils, but poor shallow chalk soils are best avoided....
Cornus kousa 'Big Apple'
Large white flowering bracts in June, followed by extremely large red edible fruits in the autumn. Dark green leathery and heavily textured leaves on a large spreading tree. Height 2-4m in 10 years. Best in full sun or partial shade.
Cornus kousa 'China Girl' AGM
The 12 litre plants sit at approximaltey 160-175cm not including the pot. They will come via Parcel Force on a 48 hour delivery due to their height or they can be collected directly from the nursery.
A choice strong growing 'dogwood', with a profusion of lovely white flower bracts in June. Excellent autumn colours. Best in full sun. Height 2 - 4 metres in 10 years. Grow in acid or neutral soils.
Cornus kousa Miss Satomi AGM
The 12 litre plants sit at approximaltey 120-140cm not including the pot.
(H6) A choice medium sized 'dogwood', with a spreading habit, covered with lovely pinky red flower bracts in June. Excellent rich autumn colours of orange and red. Best in full sun, in moist acid or neutral soils, this makes a fantastic garden plant. Named after the grand-daughter of a Japanese nurseryman.
Deutzia x rosea Yuki Cherry Blossom
(H5) A profusion of creamy white flowers with pink outer edging in April-May, like a carpet of cherry blossom on a neat compact plant. Burgundy autumn foliage colour. Ideal for containers. Height 50-75cm in 10 years. Best in full sun or dappled shade.
Erica carnea 'March Seedling' AGM
(H6) Rose pink to purple flowers in late winter and spring. An excellent free flowering plant with mid-green foliage and spreading habit. Height and spread 15cm x 50cm in 5 years. Prefers full sun in ericaceous compost or well-drained acidic to neutral soils. Tolerant of alkaline soils and partial shade.Water as necessary particularly in dry weather conditions. Trim to base of flower spike after flowering.
Erica x darleyensis 'Mary Helen'
Also know as Erica carnea 'Mary Helen'
(H5) Pink flowers with protruding, dark redanthers from late winter to mid-spring. Golden yellow foliage in the summer turning bronze in the winter. Thrives in full sun in moist but well drained acidic or neutral soils. Height 25-50cm in 5 years.
Water as necessary particularly in dry weather conditions. Trim to base of flower spike after flowering.
Erica x darleyensis 'Pink Harmony'
(H5) Masses of upright spikes of small, vivid pink flowers with protruding black anthers appear from mid-winter to late spring, over mid-green foliage that is bright green when young. Height and spread 40cm x 40cm in 2-5 years. Prefers full sun in ericaceous compost or well-drained acidic soil. Tolerant of neutral to alkaline soils with plenty of organic matter. Water as necessary, particularly in...
Erica x darleyensis 'Silberschmelze'
Also known as: Erica × darleyensis 'Molten Silver', Erica × darleyensis 'Alba', Erica darleyensis 'Silver Bells', Erica × darleyensis Molten Silver, Erica × darleyensis Silver Beads.(H5) An abundance of scented, white urn-shaped flowers from early winter into spring. An attractive variety with dark green foliage and creamy young growths in the spring. A spreading, evergreen...
Garrya elliptica James Roof AGM
(H4) A selected clone forming a strong and vigorous evergreen shrub with large leathery leaves. Long slender greyish-green catkins flower profusely in January and February. Best grown in a sheltered position in sun or partial shade. Height and spread 3-4m in 10 years.
Hydrangea paniculata Silver Dollar AGM
(H5) Elegant panicles of white flowers, turning light pink later in the season. These look good set against the dark upright stems. Fast growing, but neat compact habit. Height 125-150cm in 10 years. Best in moist sunny positions.
Bred and selected by Dutch plantsman Peter Zwijnenburg at the turn of the century,
For large panicles, the laterals should be pruned back to within 5-8cm of the previous...
Kalmia latifolia 'Olympic Fire'
Rich red buds opening to soft pink almost white octagonal flowers in late May early June. This variety has a slightly more upright habit than some. The new foliage is a glossy green with a slight wave to the edge of the leaves.
Kalmias are a medium sized evergreen shrub from south-eastern USA and Asian mountains where they typically grow under the canopy of tall trees. They are an under used shrub...
Kalmia latifolia 'Ostbo Red'
Bright red buds opening to soft pink octagonal flowers in late May early June. The foliage can be interesting as it tends to have a wavy edge and can even appear to look twisted. A slightly lower growing plant at approximately 100cm x 100cm in 10 years.
Kalmias are a medium sized evergreen shrub from south-eastern USA and Asian mountains where they typically grow under the canopy of tall trees. They...
Liquidamber styraciflua Thea
A Dutch selection of 'Sweet Gum' with shining green leaves with long central lobes in summer, followed by very deep autumn foliage. Forms a beautiful large tree, which looks good all year. Height 2-4 metres in 10 years. Best on acid or neutral soils.
Liquidamber styraciflua Worplesdon AGM
These trees sit at approximaltey 200-220cm not including the pot. They will come via Parcel Force on a 48 hour delivery due to height or they can be collected directly from the nursery.
A selection of 'Sweet Gum' with long narrow lobes, turning brilliant orange and yellow which lasts well in autumn. One of the best trees for autumn colour. Looks good all year. Height 2-4 metres in 10 years. Best on...
Nandina domestica 'Gulf Stream'
(H5) Compact, bushy, evergreen shrub. Bronze-orange new growth in the spring, turning green with age. During autumn and winter the leaves turn to shades of red and gold. Small white flowers on conical panicles in the summer, sometimes followed by red berries. Height and width 50-100cm in 10 years. Prefers full sun in a sheltered position with moist well drained soil (Acid, Alkaline, Neutral).
Pieris Flaming Silver AGM
(H5) Nodding panicles of white 'lily of the valley' flowers March to May. Pretty, small variegated plant with bright red new leaves, turning deep green with silvery white edges. Height 75-100cm in 10 years. This compact shrub looks wonderful in a shady shrub border with well-drained, acid soil or in a container in a patio or courtyard garden.
Pieris japonica Little Heath
(H5) Pink flowers in spring on a neat compact growing plant with small variegated leaves, cream edging, pink new growth.
Flowers best in a light airey position.
Ideal for patio pots.
Height 100-125cm in 10 years.
Requires moist acid soil.
Pieris Japonica Passion
(H5) Panicles of maroon red flowers, March-April, followed by red new growth in spring. A neat evergreen shrub, best in a sheltered spot away from cold winds. Sun or light shade. Height 100-125cm in 10 years. Best in moist acid soils.
Pieris japonica Variegata
(H5) A slow growing evergreen shrub with striking foliage variegation to the edge of the leaves. Beautiful white flower racemes in March and April, followed by pinkish red new growth. Height and spread 175cm in 10 years.
Pieris Katsura
(H5) Rosy pink flowers in February and March. Outstanding new plant from Japan with deep bronze new foliage through the year. Best in light shade. Height 125-150cm in 10 years. Requires moist acid soil.
Prunus incisa Kojo no Mai AGM
10 litre top worked plant shown in 3rd photo.
(H5) Pink buds open to delicate single flowers with white petals, and deeper pink centres, in early spring. A lovely plant for spring interest, with rich orange autumn colours. Height 75-100cm in 10 years. Best in sun, and moist well drained soil.
'Kojo-no-mai' is a deciduous shrub to 2.5m tall, with zig-zag branches bearing mid-green, lance-shaped leaves....
Salix gracilistyla 'Mount Aso'
The stems of this wonderful new form are clothed with fuzzy pink catkins in late winter and early spring. These look their best as they start to swell in mid- to late winter and make a wonderfully eye-catching feature for the winter garden. Even when the flowering has finished, the lush foliage, which has a silvery reverse, makes a great backdrop throughout the spring and summer for other plants that...
Stewartia pseudocamellia
7 litre plant shown in photo
(H5) Showy white cup shaped flowers, (a bit like a camellia) borne in the leaf axils in late spring and summer. Good autumn leaf colour. Forms a small deciduous tree with attractive flaking bark. Height 2-4 metres in 10 years. Best in moist acid soils.