Best Sellers
Evergreen Azalea Wombat AGM
Large bright cerise pink flowers up to 50mm, which are long lasting during June. An excellent hardy introduction from Scotland which forms a neat prostrate low mounded shape. Height and spread of 40-60cm in 10 years.
Ideal for rock gardens and cascading over walls and to extend the flowering season.
Easy to grow.
Group: Evergreen Azalea (nakaharae hybrid).
Parentage: nakaharae 'Mariko' X 'Gaiety'
Rhododendron Sun Fire
(H6) Red in bud, opening to bright orange flowers with yellow centres and stamen. Flowering in mid May with a glowing flame-like appearance this is a tough and floriferous plant with a compact habit. Height 150cm in 10 years.
This plant offers a special colour arrangement. The inside of the flower is soft yellow and the outer edge pink-orange. The three upper lobes display interesting deeper golden...
Rhododendron Blue Pool
Wonderful funnel-shaped light lavender blue flowers in April - May. This plant has attractive lettuce green leaves in the summer. A slow-growing, dense and compact mounded bush. Height 80-100cm in 10 years, but getting larger in time.
Recommended for front of borders, small gardens and raised beds.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: most garden situations but avoid too much heat.
Habit: dense and...
Rhododendron Halfdan Lem AGM
This one is a real stunner! Huge red flowers that have darker spotting that last well in the shade but fade to pink in the sun. Flowering in May it has handsome thick dark leaves and striking red buds in the winter. It has an upright habit and prefers plenty of light. Height 150-180cm in 10 years.
Recommended for: Striking flower and red buds.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: Most garden situations.
Deciduous Azalea Silver Slipper AGM
Pink buds open to large white flowers with a prominent yellow orange flare in May - June. A stunning deciduous azalea that has good coppery autumn colour. Height 150-180cm in 10 years. Prefers a fairly sunny position.
Easy to grow.
Group:Deciduous Azalea (Exbury hybrid).
Parentage: unknown
Hybridization date: pre 1950 (1948).
Bred by: Exbury. Origin: British.
Habit: compact.
Ideal position:...
Evergreen Azalea Niagara AGM
Wonderful large white wavy edged flowers with a faint yellow green eye in the centre. Flowering in mid May, we think this is one of the best white flowered varieties. Dense bushy upright habit, and attractive pale green leaves. Height 60-80cm in 10 years.
Ideal for small gardens and mixed borders.
Easy to grow.
Group:Evergreen Azalea (Glenn Dale hybrid).
Parentage: 'Lilacinum' x 'Willy' (s) X...
Deciduous Azalea Fireball AGM
Stunning large deep red flowers with yellow stamens flowering in May - June. This deciduous azalea has fantastic reddish foliage, especially in autumn. Height 150-180cm in 10 years.
Recommended for wonderful foliage.
Easy to grow.
Group:Deciduous Azalea (Exbury hybrid).
Parentage: 'Scarlet Pimpernel' X 'Favor Major'
Hybridization date: pre 2000 (1951).
Bred by: E. de Rothschild. Origin: British.
Rhododendron Loderi King George AGM
One of our favourite Rhododendrons, considered to be one of the best scented hybrids ever. Pink buds open to large trusses of pure white sweetly scented lily-like flowers with faint green markings. Flowering in early May this is a tall growing woodland plant that requires shelter and protection from strong winds. Height 180cm in 10 years.
Recommended for: Strongly scented flowers.
Plantsman range.
Rhododendron Constanze INKARHO
Now available on the Inkarho rootstock! Lovely rose pink flowers, paler in the throat, with wine red spotting on upper lobe. Flowering in late May this is a very hardy plant from Hachmann's Nursery in Northern Germany which grows wider than high. Height 140 -160cm in 10 years. Registered name is Hachmann's Constanze.Plant with plenty of good ericaceous compost to aid establishment.
Deciduous Azalea Soir de Paris AGM
Delicate and scented purplish pink flowers with an orange blotch and darker lines. Flowering in June, the flowers are up to 50mm in trusses of 7 to 9. An excellent plant with pretty small greyish/blue leaves. Height 120-150cm in 10 years. It prefers a fairly sunny position.
Recommended for pretty scented flowers.
Easy to grow.
Group:Deciduous Azalea (viscosum hybrid).
Parentage: viscosum X 'Koster's...
Dwarf Rhododendron fastigiatum 'Blue Steel' AGM
Striking deep lavender blue flowers which smother the plant in April. R. fastigiatum Blue Steel is a tough plant with wonderful silvery blue young growth all summer. The foliage is particularly attractive, having pale green scales on the upper surface. Height and spread 30cm in 10 years. Dwarf Rhododendrons don't mind the sun but they hate too much heat, so do avoid reflected heat from South facing...
Rhododendron Graffito INKARHO
Available on the Inkarho rootstock! A really striking flower. White with a prominent wine red flare on the upper lobe in late May. This plant is particularly hardy with attractive dark green glossy leaves. Height 150cm in 10 years.
Plant with plenty of good ericaceous compost to aid establishment.
Recommended for: Tough with dinstinctive flower and great foliage.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position:...
Dwarf Rhododendron Wren AGM
Attractive clear yellow flowers in early May. This is a very free flowering plant often completely smothering the foliage. It has a low spreading habit with dark shiny foliage which turns bronzy red in winter. height 30-40cm in 10 years.
Dwarf Rhododendrons don't mind the sun but they hate too much heat, so do avoid reflected heat from South facing walls and patios, particularly if planting in containers....
Rhododendron suoilenhense (seedlings from AC 4458)
Picture of a 3 litre plant for illustrative purposes only
(GRANDIA H4-5) Recently collected from Vietnam. Creamy white campanulate flowers with maroon basal flashes, in a rounded truss, April. Large foliage with indumentum on older leaves. Early intoductions to the UK have produced tall, majestic and fast growing trees when grown in good conditions. Full hardiness is not confirmed yet, but it seems...
Evergreen Azalea Mothers Day AGM
Another one of our favourite plants with dark pink to red hose-in-hose (double) flowers that have a faint brown spotting. It flowers in early to mid May. A very popular and easy growing plant with good glossy foliage. Height 60-80cm in 10 years.
Also known as 'Muttertag'. A great gift for Mum!
Ideal for containers and small gardens.
Easy to grow.
Group:Evergreen Azalea (Kurume hybrid).
Rhododendron Silberwolke AGM
Beautiful pinky purple in bud opening to frilled ice-white flowers, spotted yellow green in the throat. This is a stunning plant flowering in late May. It is compact with deep green thick foliage. Height 80-100cm in 10 years. Silberwolke means Silver Cloud and this is another of our favourites. Perhaps a nice Silver Wedding present?
Ideal for containers and small gardens.
Easy to grow.
Camellia x williamsii 'Ruby Wedding' AGM
Image supplied and owened by J.Wilson (Strete Gate Camellias)
(H5) 'Ruby Wedding' is a dense, evergreen shrub,with glossy, dark green, elliptic leaves and in spring, bright red, anemone to peony-form, double flowers. Vigorous, upright bush. Height 125-150cm in 10 years. Suitable for woodland and acidic soils. Position in a site sheltered from cold, dry winds and early morning sun as buds and flowers...
Evergreen Azalea Pink Pancake AGM
This gorgeous plant has large pink wavy edged flowers in June-July. A very spreading prostrate plant matching its pancake name! Ideal for baskets, tubs, and raised beds, where it will cascade over the edge. It has stunning large flowers 45mm x 60mm and a creeping habit. 75-90cm spread in 10 years.
Ideal for containers and small gardens, including rock gardens and raised beds. Great to extend the...
Evergreen Azalea Elsie Lee AGM
Stunning double lilac-lavender flowers up to 60mm which last well, flowering in late May. A recent introduction and proving very popular, as this is a different colour to most other azaleas. A neat grower with a fairly upright habit, sometimes semi deciduous foliage. Height 60-80cm in 10 years.
Ideal for containers and small gardens, makes a real statement!
Easy to grow.
Group:Evergreen Azalea...
Rhododendron Madame Masson AGM INKARHO
Now available on the Inkarho rootstock! White star-like flowers with a prominent golden yellow blotch, flowering in late May and early June. This is a very old hybrid that is extremely tough, reliable and striking. A dense well shaped plant with shiny dark foliage which is ideal for hedging and screening. Height 150-180cm in 10 years.Plant with plenty of good ericaceous compost to aid establishment.
Evergreen Azalea Squirrel AGM
Bright scarlet, long-lasting flowers (up to 30mm), which hold their colour well. A good late flowering variety for June. An excellent tough and very hardy plant from Scotland, with a dense low growing habit. Height 40-60cm in 10 years.
Ideal for containers. Great for cascading over walls and to extend the flowering season.
Easy to grow.
Group: Evergreen Azalea (nakaharae hybrid).
Parentage: 'Galathea'...
Deciduous Azalea Homebush AGM
Extremely attractive double deep carmine pink flowers in a ball-shaped pompom-like truss 30mm across. Flowering May - June this deciduous azalea has good autumn colour. Height 120-150cm in 10 years. Requires a fairly sunny position.
Recommended for attractive flowers and autumn leaf colour.
Easy to grow.
Group:Deciduous Azalea (Knaphill hybrid).
Parentage: unknown
Hybridization date: pre 1950...
Rhododendron Metallica
(H7) Stunning deep violet flowers with a prominent blotch and speckling on the upper lobes, flowering in late May and early June. This is a very hardy plant from Northern Germany, and was bred by Holger Hachmann in 2009. As yet not registered, but also known as Hachmann's Metallica. Height 150-175cm in 10 years.
Recommended for: Striking flower..
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: Most garden situations.
Rhododendron Cunningham's White INKARHO
Now available on the Inkarho rootstock! Mauve buds open to white flowers with a pale yellow eye in early May. With delicate small flowers, it is a very tough dense plant which is good for screening and difficult positions. Height 140-160cm in 10 years.It certainly ranks as one of our favourites for dense hedging and screening. If you have a difficult position this tough plant will perform well. Plant...
Rhododendron Polar Bear
Icy white and strongly fragrant trumpet-shaped flowers with a light green throat. Flowering in July it has large veined foliage on a fast growing sturdy shrub. It does need some shelter and a warm position. Height 180 cm or more, in 10 years. Rarely available elsewhere, and highly sought-after. Flowering may take up to 10 years
Recommended for: Later flowering and scent.
Plantsman range.
Rhododendron Tortoiseshell Orange AGM
Very attractive orange-red flowers shaded pink in loose trusses during June. It forms a compact dome shaped plant with attractive glossy leaves. It will perform best in some shade and in a sheltered position. Height 140-160cm in 10 years.
Recommended for: gorgeous orange flowers.
Plantsman range.
Ideal position: Dappled shade, needs careful site selection.
Habit: Dense.
Group: Hybrid Rhododendron.
Rhododendron Goldinetta
(H7) A stunning yellow plant from Hachmann in Germany. It has clear deep yellow flowers without any markings, flowering in May with lovely deep green leaves. A very tough plant that is completely winter hardy in the UK. Height 150cm, spreading a little wider, in 10 years.As with all yellow Rhododendrons, this plant does need good drainage (but not dry conditions).
Recommended for lovely yellow flowers...
Rhododendron Sneezy AGM
This plant has very pretty pink flowers with darker edges flowering in late May. One of the more vigorous 'Seven Dwarfs' yakushimanum hybrids, with an upright growing habit. Height 80-100cm in 10 years.
Ideal for containers and small gardens.
Easy to grow.
Group: yakushimanum.
Parentage: yakushimanum X 'Doncaster'
Hybridization date: pre 2000 (1970)
Bred by Waterer's Nurseries, Bagshot. Origin:...
Rhododendron Catawbiense Album
(H7) Long lasting white flowers with greenish-yellow speckiling. Late May flowering in a dense truss. A vigorous, very tough old variety, dating from before 1850. Height 175-200cm in 10 years.
Plant with plenty of good ericaceous compost to aid establishment.
Recommended for: Hedging/screening.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: Most garden situations.
Habit: Dense.
Group: Hardy Hybrid.
Rhododendron Dramatic Dark
(H6) Dark violet flowers, with purple shades in centre, a black blotch, and contrasting white stamens on a tight rounded truss in late May. A compact well branched plant. Height 125-150cm in 10 years.
The fascination of this new rhododendron comes from the perfectly shaped deep dark violet flowers with purple violet centre and a black eye. The roundish truss has more than 20 open funnel-shaped flowers...
Rhododendron Elizabeth Red Foliage
Similar to Elizabeth in that this plant has masses of scarlet, funnel campanulate flowers in April. It is a rounded and compact shrub which is quite vigorous with an upright habit. The leaves are burgundy red, especially on young growth through the summer. This plant will regularly also flower in the autumn. Height 80-100cm in 10 years.
We love this plant for it's fantastic red flower and wonderful...
Azaleodendron Gowenianum
This rare hybrid between a rhododendron and a deciduous azalea dates from before 1825. Strongly scented light purple star shaped flowers appear in early June. The leaves are usually evergreen during most winters. Height 120cm in 10 years.
Recommended for pretty scented flowers.
Easy to grow.
Group: Azaleodendron.
Parentage: periclymenoides or viscosum (s) X catawbiense x ponticum.
Rhododendron Loderi Pink Diamond AGM
Large sweetly scented trusses of rose pink flowers which fade paler, almost to white, and have faint brown markings. Flowering in early May this is a fast growing upright plant needing a sheltered woodland position. Height 180cm in 10 years.
Like all Loderi clones, the flowers will fade to white after a few days, but the lovely scent remains.
Recommended for: Strongly scented flowers.
Rhododendron Rexima
(H5) An interesting foliage plant, combining the winning traits of R. yakushimanum and R. rex. Lilac pink in bud, opening white with a dark red basal blotch and markings in May. Large dark green leaves with brown indumentum on the undersides, which have been inherited from the big leaved R. rex, but growing in a useful compact habit due its yakushimanum parentage. Height 100-125cm in 10 years.
Rhododendron English Roseum
Attractive mauvey pink flowers in May-June on a very useful easy to grow plant. It tolerates heat and cold and is a dense and vigorous grower that can get very large. An ideal plant for hedging and screening. A reliable plant for difficult places. Height 180cm in 10 years.
Recommended for: Hedging/screening.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: Most garden situations.
Habit: Dense.
Group: Hardy Hybrid.
Dwarf Rhododendron Egret AGM
Masses of pretty dainty white bell-shaped flowers in April. The flowers stand up high above the glossy mid green foliage. This is a compact neat growing plant, best in some sun to flower freely. Height 30-45cm in 10 years. Dwarf Rhododendrons don't mind the sun but they hate too much heat, so do avoid reflected heat from South facing walls and patios, particularly if planting in containers. One of...
Dwarf Rhododendron Princess Anne AGM
Superb compact dwarf with small clear yellow flowers tinged green that appear in trusses of 4 to 10. This plant forms a free flowering mound in April/May on a plant with fresh green leaves, turning bronzey red in autumn with good winter foliage. Height 40-60cm in 10 years. Dwarf Rhododendrons don't mind the sun but they hate too much heat, so do avoid reflected heat from South facing walls and patios,...
Dwarf Rhododendron Tinkerbird
Stunning pure white flowers flushed pink in bud in a loose truss of 3-4 in April. This is one of the first semi dwarf scented Rhododendrons hardy enough for many areas in the UK. Please note it is only hardy to -10ºC. Surprisingly bud hardy too, but we recommend a sheltered position. Height 75-100cm in 10 years.
Dwarf Rhododendrons don't mind the sun but they hate too much heat, so do avoid...
Deciduous Azalea Satan AGM
Wickedly dark red in bud, opening to large deep orange-red flowers in late May and early June. A good mildew resistant plant raised by the old Waterer Nurseries at Knaphill, and introduced by W C Slocock Ltd. This variety makes a real statement and is a must for any garden. Height 150-175cm in 10 years.
Recommended for stunning flowers.
Easy to grow.
Group:Deciduous Azalea (Knaphill hybrid).
Evergreen Azalea Madame van Hecke
A popular and reliable stunning profusion of small bright pink flowers. Flowering in early May, this is a very tough and easy growing plant that has an upright habit. Height and spread 75-90cm in 10 years.
Registered as Madame Albert van Hecke.
Ideal for containers and small gardens.
Easy to grow.
Group:Evergreen Azalea (kaempferi hybrid).
Parentage: 'Willy' X unknown.
Hybridization date: pre...
Rhododendron Belami
Stunning pale pink flowers with prominent red speckled blotch on the upper lobe. A dense ball type truss of 12 flowers, each being funnel shaped measuring 50-60 x 80-96mm - a real gem. Starting in mid May, the flowers open pale pink with a darker blotch, but quickly change to white with the striking red blotch. This is a tough award winning plant with dark green foliage from Hachmann in Northern Germany....
Rhododendron Hydon Velvet
Wonderful pale pink flowers in a compact truss flowering in mid May. This plant has fantastic foliage with cinnamon indumentum on underside of leaves. Makes a compact shrub that will attract lots of interest. Height 80 - 90cm in 10 years.
Ideal for containers and small gardens.
Easy to grow.
Group: yakushimanum.
Parentage: yakushimanum (s) X bureavii.
Hybridization date: pre 2000 (late 1960's)
Evergreen Azalea Dear Grandad
(H4) Huge glowing orange flowers up to 80mm across with an attractive frilly edge. It flowers in mid to late May and is perfect as a present for Grandad! Height 55 - 70cm in 10 years.
Raised by the late Dorset Azalea breeder, George Hyde and introduced by his daughter Rosemary Legrand.
Ideal for containers and small gardens, including rock gardens and front of borders.
Easy to grow.
Evergreen Azalea Blue Moon
(H4) Really attractive large pale mauve flowers, which flowers late in mid June, with good bushy habit. Height 60-90cm in 10 years.
Registered name is Nuccio's Blue Moon.
This is a Satsuki hybrid, so the flowers can be variable. In some seasons, white stripes or pink flowers can occur either on the whole plant or on part of the plant. Enjoy the surprise!
Ideal for containers and small gardens,...
Rhododendron (yak) Schneekrone AGM INKARHO
Now available on the Inkarho rootstock! Beautiful white flowers tinged soft pink and spotted ruby red, in a ball shaped truss. Flowering in May we think this is one of the best white yaks (compact Rhododendrons) for cold climates. Height 80-100cm in 10 years.
The English translation is Snow Crown, and it certainly has a majestic flower!
Plant with plenty of good ericaceous compost to aid establishment.
Dwarf Rhododendron Gristede AGM
Stunning clusters of violet blue funnel-shaped flowers in April. This lovely plant has good shiny green winter's particularly hardy and easy to grow. Height 60-80cm in 10 years.
Dwarf Rhododendrons don't mind the sun but they hate too much heat, so do avoid reflected heat from South facing walls and patios, particularly if planting in containers. We love this plant and think it is one the best blue...
Rhododendron Cynthia AGM
A lovely old hybrid with strong rosy crimson flowers with extensive darker markings in a large conical truss. This is a popular variety flowering in May-June. It is very vigorous and grows into a huge dome shaped bush. Height 180-200cm in 10 years.
Recommended for: Hedging/screening.
Easy to grow.
Ideal position: Most garden situations.
Habit: Dense.
Group: Hardy Hybrid.
Parentage: catawbiense...
Deciduous Azalea Nicholas de Rothschild
(H5) A wonderful bicoloured double flower, which is red in tight bud, opening through deep pink to deep golden yellow, turning to soft pink and apricot as they mature. May. Deep green foliage turns fiery red in autumn before falling. Height 125-150cm in 10 years with an upright habit.
This combination makes for a kaleidoscope of colour through the spring. Altogether a great shrub for punctuating...